Why seek help?
Why seek help?
Are you at a stand-still, not enjoying life the way you wish you could? Is there something in your life holding you back, or constantly hindering your ability to live a fulfilling life? Are you a parent, conflicted on issues arising with your child? Have you had a loss of a loved one and unsure how to move through the grief you are feeling? Has your life taken an unexpected turn, leaving you unsure of what to do next? Is anxiety or depression leaving you feeling debilitated? These are some of the issues I find clients are consistently searching for assistance with. If you are experiencing any of these situations or other life challenges I would be happy to work with you. Sometimes we just need a non- judgmental, unbiased and empathetic person to listen to what we are going through to help us organize our thoughts. There is never an issue too big or too small ; if it is important to you, it is important to me!
Outcomes you may experience from our work together:
Outcomes you may experience from our work together:
- Increase your awareness of the multiple factors related to your problems.
- Reconnect with skills and knowledge that help you navigate hardship.
- Learn new skills to cope when the going gets tough.
- Restore confidence in your ability to manage challenges in life.
- Feel at ease with problem situations that once weighed heavily on your mind.
- Feel secure with difficult and important decisions you’re faced with.
- Have a sense of clarity around the life you want for yourself.
Feel free to watch the following videos that are based on what counselling is, when to seek help and what you may expect in a session.

Ginger Henderson,
Ginger Henderson,
106-4475 Viewmont Ave , Victoria
British Columbia Canada V8Z 5K8
© 2018 Ginger Henderson, R.T.C. M.T.C
All Rights Reserved.