Sexualized Harm Reduction For Today’s Online Teens
A Presentation For Parents
This 90 minute parent/ caregiver presentation, is designed to bring awareness to those supporting children and teens when it comes to the threat posed by online pornography, and the online hypersexualization of our youth. The world our kids live in today, is complex and heightened when compared to the childhood we all remember. This presentation will not only help you gain the understanding of the challenges surrounding online pornography, as seen by teens, but best equip you with the appropriate strategies to become your child’s best resource to combat this clear and present online threat. You will walk away with the tools to communicate effectively based on your teens behaviours, ages and stages; along with the ability to look for important warning signs. Our subject matter expert, and Licensed Therapist, Ginger Henderson, will guide this presentation on topics that include :
- The effects of Hyper Sexual Images and our youth
- What is Revenge Porn and its ugly realities ?
- What is online Pornography and its risks ?
- The adult content of some popular video games that parent don't know about
- The teen brain (and how it works against them)
- Emotional challenges of teens and why the porn industry target these challenges
- Effective communication skills that parents can use immediately
- Relationship building with your Teens, an important ally
- How to talk to your teens about Healthy Relationships and Sex
- Sexting and its consequences
- Parent monitoring options; should we or shouldn’t we ?
- Resources to help keep your kids safe online.
- How to be your child’s best parent, not their best friend when it comes to technology and life
- Plus much, much more

Ginger Henderson,
Ginger Henderson,
106-4475 Viewmont Ave , Victoria
British Columbia Canada V8Z 5K8
© 2018 Ginger Henderson, R.T.C. M.T.C
All Rights Reserved.