"If you are reading this because someone close to you has passed away, I am sincerely and wholeheartedly sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now. I wish things were different for you. I can't tell you I know how you feel, because I don’t. Each person’s loss is different based on experience and relationship with the person. However, I do remember how painful and overwhelming it felt when my husband died many years ago. I felt intensely scared, isolated , and ill-equipped. When I took the courageous actions of seeking therapy and taking ownership of my journey with grief, a beautiful transformation occurred in my life. I can now laugh and live a full life while still holding my grief in a way that pays respect to my husband and allows me to move through any feelings of grief that I come across . It is my pleasure to share the very same tools that healed my pain after loss, with you. It is my privilege to walk next to you on your healing journey and I look forward to working with you.”
My mission is to support those who have suffered the death of a significant person by helping them understand, cope and live with their loss. I help the grieving person move from pain to healing in a non-judgemental, compassionate and confidential environment. While we know that death is both inevitable in life, and apart of the human experience, it is never something we truly prepare for. Your relationship with your loved one was unique; therefore, your grief and your feelings isolate you in your pain. I work with those suffering grief with that individuality at the forefront, because of the uniqueness there is no cookie cutter way to work with grief.
"Complicated Grief"
As much as we would like to just forget about “old wounds”, if we don't dissect and move through our emotions and experience we can develop what is called Complicated Grief. When we carry the emotional weight of unresolved grief with us, it follows us everywhere we go. The heaviness becomes so familiar, we begin to believe there is no opportunity for change. Complicated grief is cumulative and it limits and restricts us in our relationships, in our capacity for happiness and joy, and in our ability to make new choices in the present moment.
My healing approach is compassionately structured, emotionally-focused, and action-oriented. I utilize highly-structured methodologies that will equip you with the emotional and intellectual tools to complete the pain caused by your loss and empower you to move forward and achieve the quality of life you deserve.

Ginger Henderson,
Ginger Henderson,
106-4475 Viewmont Ave , Victoria
British Columbia Canada V8Z 5K8
© 2018 Ginger Henderson, R.T.C. M.T.C
All Rights Reserved.