E-therapy is the delivery of mental health counselling services via email. Clients will benefit from my professional guidance, each email is treated as a typical therapy session. Regardless of the issues at hand, I will help you gain the tools you need to successfully navigate through your difficult times toward your desired outcome. Once setup, my clients can have control of when our sessions occur, based on their needs; there is a guarantee of a 24 hour response time(or sooner) on my end. For those individuals who are uncertain about therapy, who suffer physical limitations, or who may be uncomfortable with traditional models of therapy, you may find e-therapy more suitable. It has been found that online therapy is preferred by those who are uncomfortable with talking face to face with someone about their problems or who are suffering from social phobias, agoraphobias or anxiety disorders. I have found many of my clients who are parents of young children or who live in rural areas also find communicating via email very convenient. E-therapy however is not for individuals who are having suicidal thoughts or feelings of harming themselves in any capacity, unless we have already established a therapeutic relationship, in these circumstances face to face therapy is more successful.
How does E-therapy work?
- After we have connected I will send you some guidlines to follow for our email sessions.
- When you decide to send an email,you will follow it with a e-transfer payment.
- Within the next 24 hours you can expect a detailed, compassionate and progressive response. I will often give homework for my clients to work on between sessions.
Rates/Packages (to be paid along with email sent)
1 email - $35.00
3 emails-$95.00
5 emails-$160.00
Feel free to contact Ginger for more information on E-Therapy.

Ginger Henderson,
Ginger Henderson,
106-4475 Viewmont Ave , Victoria
British Columbia Canada V8Z 5K8
© 2018 Ginger Henderson, R.T.C. M.T.C
All Rights Reserved.