As a ( MTC )Master Level Counsellor and ( RCS ) Registered Counselling Supervisor, in good standing with The Association or Cooperative Counselling Therapist of Canada, (ACCT), I am qualified to supervise other Counsellors, and would be honoured to work with you.
What is clinical supervision?
Clinical supervision is a contractual relationship in which a supervisor engages with a Supervisee to discuss their direction within their counselling practice. Supervisors are tasked with facilitating the professional growth and development of Supervisee's while continually protecting the well-being of clients and the public. It is their role to focus on understanding what’s going on for the Counsellor, what’s going on for the client they’re working with, and how to guide the Counsellor to be more effective with the client, given the circumstances and individual needs. As a Master Therapeutic Counsellor, and a qualified supervisor with my association, ACCT, I am responsible for the safety and growth of my Supervisee's clients. I will be continually focusing on the Supervisees best interest along with their clients.
Supervision protects clients by involving an impartial third party in the work of a Counsellor and client, helping to reduce the risk of significant oversight and guiding the Supervisee to reflect on their own feelings, thoughts, behaviour and general approach with the client
My approach
My supervision philosophy combines person-centered, gestalt, solution-focused and cognitive behavioral theories. I feel these theories are an extension of who I am as a person and a Counsellor. The creation of a safe environment is one of the most important aspects of supervision, as it allows the Supervisees to be vulnerable and to grow through learning about themselves personally and themselves as professional Counsellors, leaving them feeling free to disclose areas of difficulty and/or dilemmas within their clinical practice.
Using a collaborative approach to supervision is valuable to me, primarily because it allows me to be flexible in my approach to supervision which enables me to be open to working with a wide range of Counsellors sharing knowledge and experiences individualized to them. Not only does this flexible approach help build a healthy learning environment in the supervisory relationship, but it also teaches Supervisees new skills, through modeling.
If you are a Counsellor looking to build your practice, challenge your skill set and gain your supervision requirements please contact me for more information.

Ginger Henderson,
Ginger Henderson,
106-4475 Viewmont Ave , Victoria
British Columbia Canada V8Z 5K8
© 2018 Ginger Henderson, R.T.C. M.T.C
All Rights Reserved.